Friday, December 29, 2006

The holidays have been killing me

Combined with the stress of trying to secure travel arrangements and passport/visa. I havent had much free time to finish off my draft entries.

I full intend to get them up ASAP, and start my new challenge for 2007.

Its amazing what can be accomplished with good bankroll management. See this article for a little inspiration.

Happy New Year everyone!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

OZ on my mind

hopefully later today i will have time to finish up some posts. In the meantime I will be doing things with the family

Saturday, December 23, 2006


I dont have any words to explain how I feel so I will just post this for now!

Blogger Poker Tour Finale

Today is the day, I am excited about my oppurtunity.

I am going to play my A game and exploit every edge that I have. Good luck to everyone competing, but in the end there will be only 1 winner and 19 losers. I am going to do my best to be in the minority today.

I will also be playing the Stars VIP Freerolls, and taking a shot at boosting my bankroll.

I have started writing the sercond part of my personal challenge, and plan to get that up later tonight as well.

I also plan to edit part of the first entry, I was dead tired when I wrote it, and noticed several gramatical mistakes I had made.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Personal Challenge

well I have decided to try a personal challenge.

To preface
this, I have ran kinda bad lately. I am also unhappy with my lack of
bankroll management and trying to chase my losses at a higher limit,
tilt or whatever.It's all pretty shitty in fact. I am having difficulty in committing myself to a proper bankroll management criteria.

Last week I read an article on the Kelly criterion, and general bankroll management.
There was also a discussion of compounding profits and bankroll
building. I decided to set up an excel spreadsheet and test out
different formulas and examining the effects of compounding profit.

It really fascinating
to examine the trend when earning a consistent return. However, the
return on poker is not consistent and can have a wide range in results.
When moving up in limits the competition becomes harder, and there may
be some related loss in adjusting to the level of play.

I want to try and follow a strict bankroll management regimen. Setting goals, and following guidelines that properly dictate the buy in level I will be playing.


Since I have been running bad lately I have decided to withdraw all but $100 of my bankroll. This will be my starting bankroll for the challenge.

Goal PBI
I dont want to dont want to be overly optimistic in my achievable Percentage of Bankroll Increase (PBI) .. I think that a 7% weekly PBI is possible. I am going to use this as my weekly goal.

I know I will have some weeks that are over 7% and likely weeks that are -%. Any week where my PBI% IS >12% I am going to withdraw 75% of the overage and use it on nonpoker related expenses or for savings. If my PBI is >4% for the week I will not take any withdraw the following week.


I know I will kill some limits or games, but may suffer on others. Since I want this challenge r to be fun to do, I am not going to limit myself to one particular game format. I dont want this to feel like a grind.

I set up a spreadsheet that will divide my bankroll by my minimum buyins for a game. I will allow myself a 5% variation of this calculated amount. For instance if I have a 100 bankroll and am going to play a STT, my min br requirement is 50 I would be constrained to $2 sng's, but will allow a 5% deviation up to $2.10 (not that these exist).

I plan to follow the following min br requirements which are on the conservative side. Therby reducing the impact of variance and my general peace of mind in playing at a specific level.

STT-50 buyins
MTT-150 buyins (rebuys 500x buyin)
NL-30x max buyin
PL-25x max buyin
H/L FL- 300bb

Stop Loss - Anti-TILT
I have been known to steam off, and am going to try to control that with a stop loss. When I hit my stop loss I am going to take no less than 30 mins off from playing, if I hit my stop loss twice in a 24hr period I wont play again until I have slept.

My stop losses are:
STT- 4 buyins
MTT- 12 buyins
NL PL- 3 buyins
FL - 30 blinds

So that is the initial layout for my challenge. I will fill in some more info in the next couple of days. I am trying to determine how much time I cna afford to have as a minimum weekly play.

At this point I am not going to play anymore until I actually commence my challenge maybe sometime this weekend, or at least by next weekend. I picked up a couple of books from the Stars FPP store and am going to read them over the next couple of days. I think I need to take a break anyway b/c of my bad run/tilt sessions. I also have a lot of things going on with the holidays.

I still plan on playing all of the Freerolls I am qualified for including the BPT final, Stars VIP freerolls, and a couple other leagues I play in.

I guess all of this also means that I will keep this blog running next year, and probably have updates about 2-3 times a week.

Monday, December 18, 2006

feeling pretty excited about the tournaent this weekend

I'm really looking forward to the Aussie satelitte tourney.

I found out it is going to be a deep stack MTT, which makes for more skill and less luck. I would love to see extended levels too like 30 mins, but I am not holding my breath.

Crazy happenings on the interweb these days with a couple circuit players. I might as well help spread the gossip

apparently Brandi Hawbaker, of fiesta lago fame

doesnt like old man penis on her back

The next night, he [tom franklin] crawled into bed with me naked. His penis on my back, frighten me, and woke me in the middle of the night. I freaked out and spent the rest of the night in the bathroom. I crawled to sleep on the floor and used the towels as blankets. I was traumatized.
but she will take it in the ass for a satelite buyin

also, a sidenote for you gossip fiends while im at it, in the car ride back to vegas, brandi told me that she got her ex to put her in a satellite on the condition that she let him [censored] her in the ass, then she said, id rather let you do it, you want to? i pretty much lost all respect for her after she told me that

i hope Brandy gets help one day, and can stay off the pole

Saturday, December 16, 2006

WEll I finished 3rd in the BPT

Coincidently, I finished 3rd for the seson qualifying too.

I ended up busting out Quackpot, I feel kinda bad about it, b/c after all was said and done, he finished 22nd for qualifying. On the other hand, he is a tough opponent, so I'm glad I wont have to face him in the final.

I'm pretty excited about playing the final next week, and owe it to the guys at to continue my blog should I qualify for the Aussie Million. has show to be a very respectable company, and demostrated several times to me that they are above par. They dont have as much traffic as some of the other sites, but they are very trustworthy and run some excellent promotions. I encourage anyone who hasnt played their to give them a shot.

heres my hand history for bounty

i had to call b/c of the implied odds of getting the host bonus. i think this guarnntees me a seat in the final! sunner sunner suckout or not i am elated!!!!!

cerberi Posted Small Blind 1,500
purechaos Posted Big Blind 3,000
Dealing Cards
You Were Dealt (Ad, 2h)
DangerMouse420 Folds
Luvthegame Folds
Rahaboss Folds
Hacksaw2000 Folds
imjusthere4thebeer All In for 7,435
Lauradm Folds
cerberi Folds
purechaos Calls 4,435
purechaos has (Ad, 2h)
imjusthere4thebeer has (9s, As)
Dealing Flop (9d,9c,2d)
Dealing Turn (6d)
Dealing River (Kd)
purechaos Wins 16,370 from pot 1 with : Flush, Ace High
imjusthere4thebeer OUT


I just busted the BPT BOUNTY!!!!!!!!!!!11

yeah for me

not only that but i am one of the chip leaders going into the final 15!!!! i am very excited about my prospects

barely made it to bpt

got stuck in traffic, ended up missing my pokerstars freeroll for silver status players.

Friday, December 15, 2006

playing last blogger event tommorrow

this will be the last BPT regular event, I have to finish at final table at least to have a shot at final.

its been kinda crappy for me this season, i have missed alot of games b/c of family obligations.

i only really played the first 2 events this season, but finished well in first one.

i can also try to bust the bounty this event, since he is already guaranteed a spot he put his host bonus on the line as a bounty.

to everyone playing good luck! and wish me luck!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

I think this blog is closing in on the end

I have decided to end this blog sometime this month. I am going to continue to blog, but under a new blog. I am going to use my new blog to chronicle things outside of poker. Mainly just life in general.

I am going to retire this url, and all of my poker related links. I have decided to do this just b/c of recent events. The poker legislation has changed the online poker world. Online poker is moving even more into the gray area. I dont think I should outline my online activites for all to see, and I have more important things going on in my life right now than to maintain a poker related blog.

I am happy with my poker progress over the last year. I have definetly grown as a player. I have gone from a frequent depositing player, to a regular withdrawer. I have recouped all of my losses from my early days. Won a couple of tournaments, cashed high in some larger (by my standards) buyin tournaments, played in 2 of my highest buyin tournaments (550) and played multiple 215, and 109 tournaments. I have improved my NL game tremendously, refined my limit game into a steady revenue stream. I have played Live, and made many friends along the way.

I will continue to play, and work on my game as my life allows. I truely enjoy this game that we play, and the challenges it presents, and the rewards that come studying and improving my skills.

In closing I want to send a shout out to eric, titan, zeke, and ashley. Thanks guys for chatting about poker, life, and everything else that came up.
