Saturday, October 28, 2006

I'm not sure I am still getting traffic or

if any of my regular readers are still checking.

I have been scarce wehn it comes to posts. Coincidently this occured around the time the bullshit as ban was signed. But I am also in the middle of a family crisis of sorts. Coupled with a newborn, a busy and demanding work schedule I just havent had much time.

A significant portion of my bankroll is being held hostage currently by betwwts, which equates to theft IMHO. bodog took over so I am pretty confident that I will get mymoney back eventually, but not at the moment.

I have been playing on Doylesroom, which is an alright sight. Since my bankroll is crippled I have started playing short handed limit cash games again. These games are super soft at doyles room. I have been playing .5/1 to 2/4 for the time being. Just depending on what I am in the mood for. But not really playing too much. I have only played about 2-3k hands this month (if that).

One great thing about doyles room is they made anyone who was a VIP at party, paradise or any of the other sites that stopped allowing us players a VIP if they sent them an email (read no proof necessary). They also give you a free $55 bounty tournament rebate. I played in this and was doing extremely well but got sucked out on twice. but it was free so i cant complain.

Today was a blogger poker tour event. I couldnt particiapte. It was actually a reschedule of last weeks scheduled game. last week they had server issues so about 3 mins before it was to start it was canceled :-(. I had redcross training today All freaking day! 10 hours of training, and all i can say is it sucks! I had to do it b/c my wife runs a licesnsed childcare and if I am needed to assist at times I need annual certifications. Anyway I finished 50 in the blogger poker tour, without playing a hand :-) the field was about 102 so I at least earned a couple of points. I got home when it was down to the final table and watched alittle bit before Iperpared some dinner.

Hopefully I can help find a resolution to my family crisis, and move foward. Its really a disheartening situation. It doesnt involve my wife or kids, but rather one of my younger brothers. I might get into it more later, but right now I am going to have to refrain.

I dont want to get into a political rant, but in closing I have to encourage all US registered voters to get out on Nov 7th and vote for your state reps that are interesting in preserving our freedoms and rights to make our own desicions as adults. Governemnt prohibition didnt work before, and it shouldnt be used to drive online gaming underground. I can see it now, online "speakeasy's".

gl at the tables, and if you want some soft competiton and a free $55 tournament entry sign up for doyles room. There is a link to the right. You wont be dissapointed!


At 8:50 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Shit, sucks to hear about betwwts not releasing your funds. Keep me updated on the status of that, those fockers.

At 10:21 PM, Blogger Jerry said...

yeah they are a bunch of slime balls, totally against regulatory rules... from what i have read on they will settle then bodog will likely absorb their player base.


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