Friday, August 18, 2006

skeeeting out my hose

Stars just introuduced a gold mine for the multifaceted player. HORSE, HOSE, and RAZZ cash games.

imagine a bad player at limit holdem, now throw 4 more games in front of them that they dont understand and rake it in. sure you will get the occassional bad beat by the player playing cards that should have ben folded without thought, but you'll pick up plenty to make up for those losses.

I played HOSE tonight 1/2 limit. i actually meant to sit at a horse table, but realized it was hose when razz was skipped.

I played 2 roatations, 8 hands of each game for 64 hands. I left the table up 23bb. :-)

I also played a $6 turbo and blanked in that. was nt paying enough attention, b/c of trying to pick out the weak players in the hose game.

I'm looking forward to more of the mixed game action.

My bankroll is at 163... skeet skeet


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