Saturday, December 31, 2005

Last day of 2005...

I played another session last night after my last post and ended up quiting down ~ 20bb. It was getting late and I was ready for bed. I found myself not focusing like I should. I had the television on and was watching comedy central best of 2005, pam anderson roast, and chris rock. Really funny shit. I am excited to see that they are going to air the last of Dave Chappelle's shows that were in production when he had his tiff with CC. The man is absolutely funny.

I woke up this morning and was doing some pokertracker maintenance and while I was importing hands I looked to see if there wre any games going on. Unfortunetly there were no .5/1 games. I broke my bankroll guidelines and decided to sit in a 1/2 game. I hit a good hand early and made ~12bb. It didnt stay long though. I was quickly back to my starting chip count, and actually down ~15 bb at one point. The table turned ultra tight so I decided to look for another game with a little looser players. It sucked at one point when some jackass chased bottom pair and hit a set on the river to my AA. I like seeing that though because I just made a new friend. I didnt have any stats on this person, but played about 60 hands with them. I will be sure to look for themin the future. They ended up paying me off several times after that so I forgive them for being a fucking tool.

I havent seen my buddy joe around lately, so I added a couple of the other minnows from the 1/2 game to my freinds list. Hopefully joe will return and if not at least i have some other retirement sources. I noticed some major loser at my table one guy was down ~300 over a couple 100 hands. I like seeing that obviously this person has major leaks in their game.

I hope I can find a .5/1 game tonight. I am really weary of playing the 1/2 game, even though I have beat it in the past. I just dont want to go bust again.

So I finished my morning session earlier than I would have liked, I only played ~200 hands. I did notice my bonus rate clearing faster. It seems that at 1/2 the average pot is raked $0.75 so it would only take 450 hands to clear $20 vs. the 1200-1300 at .5/1. Maybe by the time I get my rakeback my bankroll will have grown enough to comfortably play the 1/2 without the risk of busting.

I finished session +10bb
bankroll sits at $138.15

I was able to recoup my losses from last night and clear 25% towards my next $20 bonus release


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